st. elizabeth's flood (1421) in Chinese
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- elizabeth
- n. 伊丽莎白〔女子名〕。
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- elizabeth is
- 伊丽莎白群岛
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- the elizabeth
- 伊丽莎白酒店
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- -st
- comb. f. 〔在古语和诗作中接在动词后,构成陈述语气第二人称单数〕: didst.
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- st
- ST =sulphathiazole. St =Saturday.
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- flood
- n. 1.洪水,水灾。 2.溢流,涨水,潮水最高点,泛滥,汹涌。 3.〔诗〕河,湖,海。 4.充溢,丰富;大量,一大阵,滔滔不绝。 5.〔口语〕泛光灯,探照灯 (= flood light)。 短语和例子 ebb and flood 低潮与高潮。 golden flood 一片阳光。 floods of ink 连篇累牍。 floods of rain 倾盆大雨。...
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What is the meaning of st. elizabeth's flood (1421) in Chinese and how to say st. elizabeth's flood (1421) in Chinese? st. elizabeth's flood (1421) Chinese meaning, st. elizabeth's flood (1421)的中文,st. elizabeth's flood (1421)的中文,st. elizabeth's flood (1421)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by